quick reference guide to get your field points and broadheads to hit together.
The 2002 bow hunting season in Connecticut was quickly approaching. The weather was cooling and as my dad always used to say, I can smell fall in the air”.
It was 2:15PM when I settled into the natural spruce tree stand which was covered with freshly cut pine boughs and spruce trimmings. The stand was strong and silent, not giving up any squeaks as I moved my 250lb body around in it.
LPA is home to a great group of Women dedicated to the sport of Archery.
Need to prepare for the hunt, or looking for a great community of Archers to hunt with? LPA is the place for you.
Traditional archery by definition it is a more raw style of shooting arrows. The archer does not rely on any equipment for accuracy or stability. Everything depends on the archers, their bow, and their arrows.